Energy in Development - Lecture Series

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International DAAD-Alumni Summer School - November 4 - 14, 2013 Institute for Agricultural Engineering, University of Hohenheim
Energy in Development Lecture Series
Participants Presentations
Speaker Presentations

About the Energy in Development Lecture Series

The debate about sustainable energy for all is on-going. It stresses the need to improve access to reliable, affordable, economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound energy services for sustainable development–a complex task that cannot be left to engineering alone. This public series of lectures aims to provide an overview of how different disciplines address the issues.

Since decentralized solutions play a crucial role in many scenarios for a sustainable future energy supply, especially in structural weak areas, they will constitute the focus of the lecture series “Energy in development”. The series’ main objective is to put energy systems in context and therefore to outline a variety of theories and methods across all disciplines and to discuss exciting new scientific breakthroughs that may impact the future development of a sustainable energy supply. Topics include technological innovations like ‘smart grids’ or ‘swarm electrification’ as well as the role of energy in the development process, life cycle assessment, energy supply as product service systems and perspectives of the users (socio-cultural context) of energy technologies. The variety of perspectives and methodologies provides possible starting points and linkages for research projects (Bachelor/Master) in the field of development cooperation.

The lecture series "Energy in Development" will be held every Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. It takes place in the MAR 0.011 at the Technical University of Berlin, Marchstraße 23.

The series is organized by the postgraduate program Microenergy-Systems which is financed by the Hans-Böckler-Foundation and situated at the Center for Technology and Society (CTS) of the Technical University (TU) of Berlin.


Prof. Felix Ziegler, Christian Arndt & Daniel Philipp
Launch Event in Cooperation with Lecture Series "Entwicklungspolitik"
Swarm Electrification Team
Swarm Electrification - a paradigm change: Building a micro-grid from the bottom-up (DOC, 33,0 KB)
Prof. Johann Köppel
Resistance against energy & development – the case of the Belo Monte hydropower project in Amazonia, Brazil
Dr. Jan Christoph Steckel
Microenergy Systems in the context of climate change and economical development - a valuable proposition?
Prof. Ekman Kalevi & Noara Kebir
Adapted product and service design – how to work together for a sustainable future?
Prof. Ellen Matthies
The user in the energy system - interfering factor or actor? (PDF, 148,5 KB)
Prof. Volker Quaschning
Die solare Revolution – Die Bedeutung der Photovoltaik für die Energiewende
Prof. Susanne Rotter
Material implications for (Micro)energy Systems -a resource and end-of-life perspective
Dr. Carolin Schröder & Luise Neumann-Cosel
Towards a cooperative Future
we take a break
Dr. May-Britt Öhman
Historical Perspectives on Electricity Generation in Africa - Swedish Hydropower Constructions in Tanzania in the Era of Development Assistance, 1960s – 1990s
Prof. Martina Schäfer, Postgraduate Program & various firms Closing lecture:
Concept of Microenergy-Systems,
Market of Possibilities (e.g. Bachelor or Master Theseses)

Lecture Materials

Launch Event in Cooperation with Lecture Series "Entwicklungspolitik"

Prof. Ziegler, Christian Arndt, Daniel Philipp

Swarm Electrification - A Paradigm Change: Building a Micro-Grid from the Bottom-up

Swarm Electrification Team

In this lecture different obstacles for installing micro-grids on village level were discussed.

Resistance Against Energy & Development – The Case of the Belo Monte Hydropower Project in Amazonia, Brazil

Prof. Johann Köppel

Belo Monte is a major hydropower project in the Brazilian rainforest that inflicts immensely in the lifes of indigenous people.

Microenergy Systems in the Context of Climate Change and Economical Development - A Valuable Proposition?

Dr. Jan Christoph Steckel

Climate change has a huge impact on people in developing countries. In this lecture, ways out of the poverty were presented.

Adapted Product and Service Design – How to Work Together for a Sustainable Future?

Prof. Kalevi Ekman & Noara Kebir

Technological solutions from developed countries can not be exported to the global south. What to take into account when designing technology ment for developing countries?

The User in the Energy System - Interfering Factor or Actor?

Prof. Ellen Matthies

People using electricity are in the focus of this lecture.

Solar Revolution - The Role of Photovoltaics for the Energy Transition

Prof. Volker Quaschning

The "solar pope" explains why photovoltaic energy is available in abundant quantities.

Material Implications for (Micro)energy Systems - A Resource and End-of-Life Perspective

Prof. Susanne Rotter

Implementing new technology means to bring material from one place to the other. How to responsibly handle resource logistics is the topic of this lecture.

Towards a Cooperative Future

Dr. Carolin Schröder & Luise Neumann-Cosel

Organization of decentralized self-supply in cooperatives has a long tradition that you can read about in this article.

Historical Perspectives on Electricity Generation in Africa - Swedish Hydropower Constructions in Tanzania in the Era of Development Assistance, 1960s – 1990s

Dr. May-Britt Öhman

What can go wrong and why when implementing a centralized power supply in a developing country?