Productive Use of Energy for Micro-hydro Power in Indonesia

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This article describes the findings of the Pilot Project on Productive Use of Energy (PUE) in Indonesia[1] undertaken by EnDev (GIZ).

Project Description

In mid-2012, EnDev Indonesia initiated a proof-of-concept project to assess whether productive use of energy (PUE) can enhance the sustainability of rural off-grid electrification infrastructure. In essence the project comprised the provision of electrical appliances to selected village-based businesses (small enterprises) with access to electricity from a community-operated micro-hydro power (MHP) plant. The project comprised a total of 53 businesses in 9 villages in regions of Sumatra and Sulawesi, Republic of Indonesia.


The project’s objective was to assess the following assumptions:

  1. PUE will strengthen the sustainability of community-based MHPs by expanding the revenue potential (increased electricity sales) and improving overall MHP cost effectiveness (optimisation of capacity factor)
  2. PUE appliances will improve production and income and reduce work load and overall expenditure of rural businesses
  3. Numerous small-scale, off-the-shelf appliances spread across several businesses are more cost effective and less technically vulnerable than single specialised/customised large appliance.


The project was implemented from August to December 2012 by two different non-governmental organisations (NGO), ProWater and Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT), in Sumatra and Sulawesi respectively.

PUE Pilot Project (August - December 2012)
Province West Sumatra South and West Sulawesi
NGO ProWater Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT)
Number of villages 6 3
Total number of households 401 210
Number of businesses 38 15
Number of appliances 63 49
Value of appliances EUR 5,630 EUR 3,640
Average appliance cost EUR 92/appliance EUR 74/appliance
Average appliance power 563W 461W
Smallest appliance 10W egg incubator 100W sewing machine
Largest appliance 1,500W rice huller 900W circular wood saw


While findings for Sumatera lacked some key quantitative data, the results from Sulawesi conclusively suggest that the above assumptions are indeed plausible. The findings are most useful in terms of implementing and/or strengthening rural electrification initiatives and enhancing their sustainability through productive use of energy initiatives.
This report provides a combined overview of the project results for both Sumatera and Sulawesi in Chapter 2. More detailed findings for each region are compiled in Sections 3 and 4 for Sumatera and Sulawesi respectively. The report concludes with conclusions and recommendations in Chapter 5.

Further Information


  1. Schultz R.W. & Suryani, A., 2013. Productive Use of Energy (PUE): Findings of the EnDev Indonesia Pilot Project. Available at:,_2013).pdf