10 Preconceived Ideas About Solar Panels

From energypedia

There are many preconceived ideas about photovoltaic panels. So then, how to disentangle the true from the false? I like to give you all the necessary information so that you can form an informed opinion on solar energy.

This is why, I am tackling the misconceptions or problems about solar panels. And the least we can say is that if there is truth, there are also a lot of falsehoods. Let’s clear it together!

1. Solar panels only work in the south - It's wrong !

Photovoltaic solar panels work, as their names suggest, thanks to photovoltaic cells which capture sunlight to transform it into energy. Even on cloudy or rainy days, photovoltaic panels produce electricity. And this, all day, from sunrise to sunset.

However, although it is true that production will be greater under bright sunshine, it is nevertheless important that it is not too hot because the heat reduces yields. So finally, whether you live in cloudy places, the production of solar electricity from your photovoltaic panels will be approximately equivalent.

2. Solar panels are polluting - It's wrong ! They are even “depolluting” in the long term.

While it is true that it takes a lot of energy to manufacture a solar panel (extracting then heating the silicon, assembling then transporting it, etc.), be careful not to take shortcuts!

Indeed, it is important to emphasize thata photovoltaic solar panel repays its energy debt on average in 2 years to then become a producer of energy clean, carbon-free renewable energy (in 25 years, it will, for example, compensate 12 times its energy debt, i.e. the manufacture of 12 other similar solar panels).

We must also qualify things by adding that the energy cost of each stage of manufacturing photovoltaic technology has been reduced considerably in recent years. The icing on the board is that several solar panel manufacturers now power their production plants with solar energy!

3. Solar panels can be recycled - It's false!

And for good reason, a solar panel is made of glass, aluminum, plastic, and to a lesser extent copper, silver and of silicon. Today, pollution due to the recycling of solar panels is limited since they are around 95% recyclable!

4. The profitability of solar panels is limited - False, moreover this profitability can be estimated in advance!

If the argument of limited profitability is based on a reduction in the yield of solar panels over time, you should know that they will produce electricity for 30 to 40 years and that a drop in their yield is estimated at from 0.5 to 2% per year if, and only if, the solar panels produce all year round at a temperature greater than or equal to 25°C.

In reality, we observe a loss of around 20% over 30 years and a simple cleaning from time to time can help you recover 10 to 15% of solar yield. As proof, if many solar panel manufacturers are not afraid to guarantee the performance of their equipment over 20 years, it is not for nothing.

5. It is difficult to resell your solar electricity - False, provided you do things correctly.

If you wish to buy and install your solar panels, I prefer to warn you: it is possible to get by according to your knowledge but novices will quickly be confronted with some difficulties when establishing your request for connection, the conclusion of the sales contract if your choice of installation is not eligible for resale.

Fortunately, some solar companies go beyond a simple service of installation of solar panels by carrying out these formalities with or for you.

You also have 2 resale possibilities: sell your entire solar production or self-consume the electricity produced by your solar panels and resell the surplus. To know and correctly estimate the purchase prices for the resale of your future installation, you can simulate it directly for free on this online simulator.

7. There is no help for solar panels, just scams - False, even if it is true that scams are (far too) numerous.

In reality, there are several financial aids to support individuals in the installation of their solar panels. The main and best known is the self-consumption bonus. This is state-supported aid, 100% reliable. Its amount depends on the power of your installation and therefore varies between $1200 and $3800 on average for residential installations. Its allocation is automatic for all self-consumption installations.

Furthermore, if you wish to estimate the amount of your aid, it is possible to use our online simulator which in a few clicks will allow you to know the potential of your roof, your aid and savings over 25 years.

There are other aids, more complex or rare, which will be specific to your location or situation. These are so specific that their framework of application is sometimes confusing and benefits online scams. So be careful not to get lost in the face of the seductive promises of eco-delinquents.

8. Firefighters do not intervene in the event of a fire when there are solar panels. This is false

Firefighters have a duty to intervene in all fires, whether they are caused by Christmas Light or Electric Fan, These interventions, like many others, just require additional vigilance in the face of electricity which is also present on the roof and not only inside the house, but also in the face of the risk of burns when in contact with glass surfaces, as with any other glazed surface on facades. No more no less.

As for the origin of the fire, it is always good to remember that cases of fires involving solar panels are anecdotal and most of the time come from a “home” installation carried out without electrical skills by the owner himself or by an unscrupulous installer. To counter this risk, I advise you to call on a solar professional offering a ten-year guarantee and insurance guarantees.

9. Maintaining solar panels is difficult. False

In fact, their maintenance is as easy as pie. In 90% of cases, the rain takes care of cleaning the solar panels by itself since they are inclined, the flow of water carries away with him the dust.

In case of unusual pollution on the solar panel, it may be possible to carry out cleaning from time to time. I advise you to have this carried out by a professional because it is necessary to use fresh water and carry out careful cleaning so as not to scratch the solar panels or leave a limescale deposit.

10. There are rare earths in solar panels. Wrong, again!

Rare earths are mostly metals used for a large number of technological processes such as screens, mobile phones, LED bulbs and even hybrid vehicles. There are 17 elements belonging to this family whose rarity is sometimes relative, but whose use is worrying. This is why it is rather normal to generalize that new technologies are not “that clean”, even when it comes to renewable production devices.

But let's come back to our panels: photovoltaic solar panels are made using aluminum, sand extract and silicon. Therefore, photovoltaic solar panels do not contain rare earths.