Publication - Considerations for Net Zero Targets in Climate Change Policy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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Considerations for Net Zero Targets in Climate Change Policy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Veritas Global
Veritas global
Published in
July 2022
It is a pleasure to share with you our policy brief on key considerations for net zero targets.

This analysis has been published on the dawn of the landmark announcement by the G7 to take concrete steps towards establishing Climate Clubs and to do so in a transparent and inclusive manner.

Link to analysis:

The brief focuses on how net zero emission targets can be a force for good in supporting the energy transition. However, caution is needed to prevent their misuse to avoid potential bad and ugly consequences. The brief highlights the adverse impacts that net zero targets can have on energy security. It also stresses the importance of developing a common understanding on how to align finance flows with the Paris Agreement across diverse capital providers (including non-OECD and OECD) and recipients. This is a particularly important consideration in light of the growing share of non-OECD holders of external debt, which grew from about 25% in 2006 to about 65% in 2020 in countries eligible for the Debt Service Suspension Initiative.

To read more, see our analysis: Considerations for Net Zero Targets
