Publication - Synopsis of experiences in the German Biogas – sector. History and Perspectives regarding aspects from Bio-waste to Biogas & from Biogas to Bio-methane

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Synopsis of experiences in the German Biogas – sector. History and Perspectives regarding aspects from Bio-waste to Biogas & from Biogas to Bio-methane
Rolf-peter Owsianowski
Rolf-peter Owsianowski
Published in
November 2017
Synopsis of experiences in the German Biogas – sector. History and Perspectives regarding aspects from Bio-waste to Biogas & from Biogas to Bio-methane. Within the frame of Green Energy Cooperation with Iran and Mashhad Urban Environment Municipality

Table of Contents 1 The biological cycle in History 2 Important events in recent German history 3 Political steps in the Renewable Energy sector and Climate Change 4 The liquid phase of the wastewater from the biogas plant as a water-source for gardening, planting vegetables and herbs and medicine plants 5 Biogas-production from municipal waste 6 Political steps and measures: e.g. General agreement in German society on the Renewable Energy laws and the nuclear phase-out Background information to Biogas utilisation and Biowaste

Consideration In the course of time developed Germany from the agrarian society to a highly modern industrial state. Germany has developed meanwhile a very interesting and lucrative waste disposal and recycling technics as part of a Green Economy approach in the context of an imminent climate change. The nomination of a lead ministry in Iran and a cooperation with e.g. the Mashhad would be fruitful within the frame of Green Energy Cooperation with Iran.

Ultimately helping the climate and all of us, just planting trees and stopping the destruction of the environment instead of massive deforestation of forests and focus of agriculture on energy farming instead of biodiversity. To moderate the consequences of a climate change only moderate lifestyles and firm belief help. What is needed are new ways of producing and working, reducing waste, recycling materials, recycling presets and electromobility in transport.
