Solar powered Cold Room (SPCR) for Fruits and Vegetable in Nigeria

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Last modified by Vanesa Zanzi Ferrando on 2019-12-13. This is a wiki so please feel free to update information by clicking on "Edit with form".

Project title

Solar powered Cold Room (SPCR) for Fruits and Vegetable in Nigeria

Project country/region

☐ East Asia & Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Carribean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa - Nigeria

Project organisation

Smallholders Foundation, GIZ Green Cooling Initiative, Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration (ILK)

Project description

In Nigeria, GIZ supported the Institut für Luft – und Kältetechnik (ILK)Dresden and The Smallholders Foundation to develop and promote solar-powered walk-in cold rooms for conserving vegetables on markets, promising shelf life of up to 21 days and fewer food losses.

The company ColdHubs has so far installed 19 solar cold rooms on different markets in Nigeria and continues to grow, capturing international attention, winning multiple grants and prices, including Ashoka Fellow 2008, Rolex Award 2010, and Fast Company’s “100 Most Creative in Business 2012”. A GIZ supported viability study proved the innovation’s potential for upscaling.

Project related to following sources of energy


☐ Biomass

☐ Biofuel

☐ Biogas

☐ Wind

☐ Geo-Thermal

☐ Hydro

☐ Energy Efficiency

☐ Other: /

Project primarily related to the following Commodity Groups

☐ Cereals

Fruits and vegetables

☐ Nuts and berries

☐ Forage

☐ Dairy products

☐ Meat products

☐ Oil Seeds

☐ Roots and Tubers

☐ Eggs

☐ Pulses

☐ Fiber Crops

☐ Forestry

☐ Sugars

☐ Stimulants

☐ Spices

☐ Other: /

Project primarily related to the following Agricultural Value Chain Steps

☐ Mechanization

Efficiency of Operation

☐ Processing

☐ Transportation

☐ Controlled Atmosphere

Controlled Temperature

☐ Mechanical Sorting

☐ Preservation

☐ Other: /

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